Basic Pharmaceutical interview questions for Production and Quality Assurance

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Basic Pharmaceutical interview questions for Production and Quality Assurance

Pharmaceutical interview questions –  In this article, we have presented a few pharmaceutical interview questions asked in the Quality assurance interview. These are basic questions related to the friability test and the disintegration test.

1. Number of tablets taken for friability test?

Answer: For tablets if the individual weight is greater than 650mg take a sample of 10 tablets and for tablets with unit mass equal to or less than 650mg take sample weight equivalent to 6.5 grams.

2. Tell me about the number of rotations in the friability test.

Answer: 25 revolutions for 4 minutes (100)

3. What is the fall height of tablets in the friability test?

Answer:  The fall height of tablets in the friability test is six inches.

4. Formula for calculating percent weight loss during friability test?

Answer:  This is the standard formula used for calculating the percent loss during friability

Percent weight loss = Initial weight – Final weight divided by initial weight multiplied by 100.

5.What are the criteria to say test samples pass the friability test?

Answer:  The test samples pass the friability test, when there are no broken or cleaved tablets present in the tablet sample after tumbling and must meet the acceptance criteria of percent loss of not more than 1%, which is accepted for most of the tablet formulations.

7. Factors influencing tablet hardness?

Answer: Compression force, Binder quantity, and moisture content are the important factors influencing tablet hardness.

8. Which types of tablets are exempted from disintegrating test?

Answer: Chewable tablets are exempted from the disintegrating test.

9.What is the test temperature used for the Disintegration test?

Answer: The temperature test used for the disintegration test apparatus is 25 degrees ±1degree Celsius.


10.What is the mesh size of the disintegration apparatus?

Answer:  The mesh size of the disintegration apparatus is 1.8 – 2.2mm (#10)

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