by Naveen kumar | Oct 13, 2024
Y Chute in Compression Machines: A Key to Efficient Tablet Production In pharmaceutical tablet manufacturing, precision and efficiency are crucial. One important component that contributes to these factors is the Y chute, a device used to manage the flow of granules...
by Naveen kumar | Aug 26, 2024
In-process check during Inspection of Tablets by IPQA Personnel Inspection of tablets is done after the compression or coating step in the pharmaceutical industry. This inspection process is a country-specific requirement based on the regulatory requirements of the...
by Naveen kumar | Aug 25, 2024
Why is Tablet Deduster used in the pharmaceutical industry Tablets formed after compression will be associated with adhered powder on their surface. This powder must be removed to ensure a smooth surface and also to make it ready for coating and packing. If the...
by Naveen kumar | Aug 25, 2024
Why the Stem of the Lower Punch is Longer Than the Upper Punch In this article, you are going to learn the key differences between an upper and lower punch in a tablet compression machine. The functionalities assigned to each punch of a tablet press are also...
by Naveen kumar | Jul 14, 2024
The tablet coating process is done to improve certain characteristics of the core tablet like improving the stability, enhancing the elegance, taste masking, and also to achieve controlled release. Film coating when compared to sugar coating can be done in less time...