In-Process checks during Inspection of Tablets by IPQA

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In-Process checks during Inspection of Tablets by IPQA

In-process check during Inspection of Tablets by IPQA Personnel

Inspection of tablets is done after the compression or coating step in the pharmaceutical industry. This inspection process is a country-specific requirement based on the regulatory requirements of the respective countries in which the product is marketed.

The IPQA personnel based on the frequency set by the company, performs in-process checks for inspected tablets to find any abnormalities in the inspected tablets.

This check is very crucial to ensure the quality of the products.


Normally during inspection Physical appearance verification is done by the IPQA personnel

The IPQA personnel will collect the required tablets by entering the area with proper long gloves following the entry procedures and collect the tablets in required quantity to perform the in process

Now the collected tablets are spread on a plain clean surface or acrylic plates designed for checking the tablets. And he inspects the tablets under illuminated conditions from one feet distance and no visual abnormalities should be present .The in process check details will be recorded in the batch manufacturing record by entering the in-process time and signature of the person performed it along with date.

The following things may be checked during in-process which varies, and these are just given as examples

  1. Surface abnormalities
  2. Capping
  3. Lamination
  4. Uneven coating
  5. Surface discoloration
  6. Chipping
  7. Cracks in the coated tablets
  8. Illegible embossing details
  9. Tablet description like color, shape etc.
  10. Uniformity of the tablets
  11. Coating uniformity

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