SAT – Site Acceptance Test

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SAT – Site Acceptance Test


A Site Acceptance Test (SAT) is performed to know whether the system meets the required specifications and complies with the needs of the user. This on-site test is written, and executed by the client and involves thorough inspections and testing of system components to ensure functionality, quality, and safety.

It shares similarities with Factory Acceptance Tests (FAT), which are conducted at the manufacturing site, but focus on verifying equipment performance at the client’s location. SATs are important in pharmaceutical and biotech industries to comply with Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP).

  1. Site acceptance test is performed at the user site after delivery of equipment to the site
  2. The equipment is received at the site as per the user’s SOP
  3. The manufacturer, owner, and client will develop the protocol for SAT
  4. After receiving it at the site, the manufacturer will send his engineer person to install the equipment at the user site
  5. The engineer will uncover the packaging of the equipment and check the documents, manuals, transport documents, and hand them over to concerned department
  6. He will check all the parts of the equipment are received or not as per check list and verify any damage has occurred during transport and then he checks for availability of service lines like air supply, power etc. needed for the equipment
  7. He inspects the site for suitability for installation of the equipment as per the documents given by the user.
  8. He then transfers the equipment to the designated area by wrapping in a polyethylene cover.



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