In-Process checks during Inspection of Tablets by IPQA

In-process check during Inspection of Tablets by IPQA Personnel Inspection of tablets is done after the compression or coating step in the pharmaceutical industry. This inspection process is a country-specific requirement based on the regulatory requirements of the...

Why is Tablet Deduster used in the pharmaceutical industry

  Why is Tablet Deduster used in the pharmaceutical industry Tablets formed after compression will be associated with adhered powder on their surface. This powder must be removed to ensure a smooth surface and also to make it ready for coating and packing. If the...

Disintegration time of Tablets and its Importance

Importance of Tablet Disintegration and Disintegration Times of Different Types of Tablets   Disintegration is an important step for a tablet formulation as it allows the tablet to break down into smaller particles within an appropriate time frame after...

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