What is BCS classification for Drugs

What is BCS classification? According to the BCS classification system, drugs are classified based on their solubility and intestinal permeability. The full form of BCS is the Biopharmaceutics Classification System. Drugs are classified by considering their...

Understanding the Sugar-Coating Process

Tablet coating is an important step in the manufacturing process, and it is associated with additional costs. so, tablet coating is done when the product requires taste masking, odor, color and to increase the stability of the tablet and to improve the pharmaceutical...

What is the importance of diluents in tablet Compression

Diluents are used in tablet formulation for several reasons, but one of the main reasons for using tablet formulation is to increase the bulk of the tablets. Some that are used as tablet diluents include starch, sucrose, talc, fructose, mannitol (pearlitol ),...

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