What is FDA Form 483 and Why is it Important?

In this article, we are going to learn about the FDA Form 483, you will be able to understand why Form 483 is given, when it is given and what are the observations that can be presented in Form 483 and timelines.
Form 483 is a document used by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). It is a form used by the FDA to document and communicate any observations that violate FDA regulations. FDA Office of Regulatory Affairs is generally involved in inspections and field activities. So whenever the Investigators of ORA find observations that violate FDA’s Laws, they will note down the observations in this form 483.
Purpose of FDA form 483: It helps in communicating the deficiencies observed during the inspection of FDA-regulated facilities and it acts as preliminary notice to the management of the facility to address the observations and provides an opportunity to correct the issues before regulatory action is taken.
When is FDA Form 483 Issued?
Form 483 is issued after the conclusion of the inspection and observations are noted in the 483 document and are discussed and presented to the senior management of the company. The discussions are made with the senior management to make them understand clearly whatever the observations noticed during the inspection.
Content of FDA Form 483:
This form mainly contains the violations of the FD&C Act observed by the FDA inspector. These observations are given in the form of statements describing the conditions observed. They say what deficiencies must be addressed to comply with the fda regulations. This Form 483 is not the agency’s final decision regarding compliance
Example of Common Observations include deviation from cGMP, Inadequate record keeping, insufficient training of personnel, improper labelling etc.
Response to FDA Form 483
Once a facility receives the form, it usually should respond in 15 business days, writing the corrective actions taken to the given observations or to be taken. The response should be complete along with the timelines for corrections.
Potential Consequences of Ignoring FDA Form 483
If the facility fails to address the issues adequately, it has to face further regulatory actions like issue of warning letters, seizure and legal actions that can result in penalties.