Wet Granulation Endpoint Determination: Essential Techniques

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Wet Granulation Endpoint Determination: Essential Techniques

Wet Granulation Endpoint Determination: Essential Techniques

The endpoint of wet granulation is crucial to producing consistent, high-quality granules across batches. Proper control during the addition of the binder solution or solvent ensures granules meet the required standards for size, porosity, and strength.

1. Hand Squeeze Method (Banana Technique)

A traditional yet widely used approach, the hand squeeze method involves squeezing the wet granulation mass by hand. The lumps are then broken apart to assess the granule quality. Ideally, there should be no presence of dry or fine powder. While this method is simple, it heavily relies on operator expertise and is not easily validated for consistency.

2. Power Consumption

The mixer motor’s power consumption is an effective way to determine the endpoint in wet granulation. As the granules grow in size, the motor will require more power to mix them, signaling that the endpoint is near.

3. Solvent/Binder Addition Time

Controlling the binder solution or solvent addition rate plays a crucial role in achieving a consistent endpoint. A slow and steady addition prevents local over-wetting and ensures uniform granule density throughout the batch.

4. Kneading Time

The duration of mixing after the binder has been added directly affects granule properties. Extended kneading time reduces intra-granular porosity while increasing the size and strength of the granules, making this factor key in controlling the final product.

5. Torque Value

Monitoring the torque value of the impeller is another significant method of determining the granulation endpoint. As the mixture thickens, the resistance in the impeller increases, helping to signal when the process is complete.


By utilizing a variety of techniques—such as monitoring power consumption, kneading time, and binder addition rates—pharmaceutical manufacturers can ensure high-quality granules in wet granulation processes. While traditional methods like the hand squeeze technique are still common, advanced and measurable methods provide more consistent results for batch-to-batch reliability.

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