Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for Microscope Operation

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Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for Microscope Operation

Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for Microscope Operation

1. Objective

To define the procedure for operating a microscope effectively, ensuring precise observation of microorganisms and crystalline structures, and capturing clear photographs of insulin crystal formations.

2. Scope

This procedure applies to the use of microscopes for observing microorganisms and crystal shapes and photographing insulin crystalline products.

3. Responsibility

3.1 Doer

Technical Assistant/Executive

3.2 Checker


4. Accountability

Head of the Department

5. Procedure

5.1 Microscope Operation

  1. Power on the microscope.
  2. Adjust the “Rheostat control knob” to its lowest intensity setting.
  3. Open the field diaphragm fully by turning the control lever clockwise. Similarly, fully open the condenser’s aperture diaphragm by moving the lever to the far-right position.
  4. Use the “Sub-stage condenser focusing knob” to raise the condenser to its highest position.
  5. Position the specimen slide on the microscope stage.
  6. Rotate the nosepiece to bring the 10X objective lens into position.
  7. Lower the 10X objective lens using the coarse adjustment knob until it reaches its positive stop.
  8. Focus the condenser sharply using the “Condenser focusing knob.”
  9. Fine-tune the focus with the “Fine adjustment knob.”
  10. For higher magnifications, adjust the field appropriately and rotate the objective to 40X or 100X (oil immersion) using the coarse adjustment knob.

5.2 Photography

  1. Once the specimen is in clear focus, attach the camera to the microscope.
  2. Access the “ATI Multimedia” directory on the connected computer.
  3. Open the shutter to project the image onto the computer screen.
  4. Select the “Auto Scan” option and confirm with “OK.”
  5. Choose “Tuner Mode” for the display screen settings.
  6. Click on the “VHS Connector” option.
  7. Refine the field using the fine adjustment knob, then capture the image by selecting “Capture Still.”
  8. Print the captured image by clicking “Print Image.”
  9. Upon completion, close the ATI player application and turn off the microscope.
6. Abbreviations
  • PPE: Personal Protective Equipment


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