Standard Operating Procedure for Cleaning of Fluid Bed Dryer Bag

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Standard Operating Procedure for Cleaning of Fluid Bed Dryer Bag

Standard Operating Procedure for Cleaning of Fluid Bed Dryer Bag

To lay down the cleaning procedure for the FBD bag

2.0 SCOPE:
This SOP shall be applicable for the FBD Bag in the Granulation area in the Production department.


3.1 Execution: The operator is responsible for the cleaning of the bag of FBD
3.2 Checking: The production executive is responsible for verifying the cleanliness and integrity of the bag

Head of Department (HOD) – Production


5.1 Preparation and Transport to Washing Area
– Shake the FBD Bag thoroughly before removing it from the FBD after the completion of the process.
– Place the FBD Bag in a polybag and keep a tie band and affix  “To be cleaned” label.
– Transport the bag to the washing area.

5.2 Initial Rinsing
– Fill an HDPE drum with potable water.
– immerse the FBD Bag completely in the water.
– Flush the bag 2 to 3 times with water by reversing the sleeves to ensure thorough rinsing.

5.3 Washing with Cleaning Agent
– Drain the water from the drum.
– Refill the drum with fresh potable water and add the appropriate cleaning agent.
– Ensure the cleaning agent is mixed well.
– Flush the bag with the cleaning solution to remove all residues. if cleaning agent is not used , then soak the bag in hot potable water and rinse a

5.4 Final Rinsing
– Drain the cleaning solution or hot potable water from the drum.
– Rinse the bag with fresh potable water until all cleaning agent residues are washed off.
– Perform a final rinse with purified water.

5.5 Drying Preparation
– Hang the FBD Bag in the washing area until the water drains completely.

5.6 Drying Process
– keep the FBD Bag into a polybag and label it with “CLEANED”.
– Take the bag to the designated drying area.
– Dry the bag using the Fluid Bed Dryer (FBD) until it is completely dry and check the integrity of the bag, if any loose threads are found then it should not be used. must be replaced with like-to-like new bag

5.7 Post-Drying Handling
– After drying, place the FBD Bag into a polybag and secure it with a “CLEANED” label.
– Store the cleaned bag in proper area and proper documentation.


– Record should be maintained regarding usage and cleaning of the FBD bag



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