Role of Lubricants In Tablet Compression

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Role of Lubricants In Tablet Compression

Role of Lubricants 

Lubricants play an important role in the tablet compression process and there are different types of lubricants available in the market we are going to learn where the lubricants are used and their role.

Lubrication of granulation material is done to reduce the friction in the die cavity during tablet ejection so that the tablet ejects out smoothly. so the main aim of lubricant addition is to reduce the friction between the walls of the tablet and the die cavity in which the compressed tablet forms.

When the lubricants are added to the granulation material 

As lubricants act as layers between granular material and die cavity, they are usually added before compression, this stage is called blending in which two stages are there –

Pre-lubrication and lubrication respectively, both the stages take around 15 minutes collectively during which the lubricants are added to the granular material and the next stage is compression.  Lubrication of granular material is done using blenders and there are different blenders available like v-cone blender, Double cone blender, Bin blender, Polygonal blender, octagonal blender, etc.

Examples: Magnesium stearate, talc, calcium stearate, PEG4000, PEG6000, Hydrogenated Vegetable oil, etc.





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